20 July 2011

Clips & Cards

I have been busy this summer CrEaTiNg!

Owl Clip Chart
Last year I finally found a behavior management system that I liked and that worked! I decided to revamp it a little this summer. Why mess with a good thing? Because I wanted to make it snazzier! I was inspired by Thriving Third Graders's Box Office Clip Chart and fancy clips. I created a similar chart to fit my Owl theme. I plan to let each kid pick the color clip they want and I will put their number (not their name!) on their clip. I decided to deviate from the 'Clip Chart' sequence of colors a bit, we'll see how it works.

Lunch Count
 I completed new my Lunch Count today. My school has four lunch choices this year (we've only had 3 in the past). Instead of adding an additional choice - probably the simplest idea - I just made a new Lunch Count. Magnets are hot glued to the back of each star so I can hang them on a corner of my whiteboard. I also made more fancy clips that I will write my students name on. I have laminated pictures of the items on our lunch menu that I post above each choice depending what's on the menu that day.

Last summer I began handpainting my own greeting cards. I decided to make a bunch of these cards to keep in my desk this year. These are the ones I made last summer. I have not finished painting my new version, but they say 'From the desk of.... Miss Stephan' instead of 'Thank You'.

19 July 2011

Dipping My Toes Into Blogging

After spending several hours last night reading other teachers' blogs I felt the urge to start my own. But I wondered: How do teachers have time to plan amazing lessons, create fun activities, spend time with their families, and still have time to blog? With only two more weeks of summer I figured if I was going to take the time to create a snazzy blog now would be the time to do it. So here I am... dipping my toes into the blogging world... we'll see how it goes.