10 August 2011

Moving In Again!

I am excited to share that this year I will be returning to Esther Jackson after being surplused last year to another school, which was way far across the county. Now, this is not my first rodeo... or my first move. Actually, I have moved schools every year I have taught... and I am starting my 4th year teaching. Allow me to summarize my teaching experience:
I began at Sweet Apple and taught 2nd grade.
I was surplused from Sweet Apple to Esther Jackson (EJ), where I taught 1st grade.
After an amazing year and thinking I was returning to EJ in the fall, I was surplused to Hapeville where I taught 1st again.
After all this packing, moving, and unpacking you would think I would be CRAZY to want to move again. Well, I wanted to return to my family at EJ. Long story short.... I am teaching 2nd grade at EJ this year! I could not be happier! So, I have finally unpacked my last box and set up my room. I am very pleased with intergrating my old 'bright colors' theme with my new owls theme. There will be more pictures to come. And sorry this is so blurry, I took them with my iPhone.

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