24 July 2013

Top Ten Tuesday Linky!

I love linky parties and am excited about Swimming into Second Grade’s new Top Ten Tuesday linky. I saw her post about it last night, after I had turned my computer off of course, but I wanted to participate. Here are my top ten classroom must haves:

#1 Flair Pens

These are the ONLY thing I write with, besides the occasional mechanical pencil. I always have backups on reserve in case a color runs out on me. Did I mention I have a set at school, a set in my workbag, and a set at home? Yes, I am obsessed!

#2 My Activboard

I’m sure this is a favorite for many teachers. I can’t teach without it… well, I can… but I rather not. I love creating flipcharts & interactive centers. We use it all day everyday!
Mine is not new like the one in the picture. It's older, but it works so I won't complain.

#3 Page Protectors

This may seem like a silly thing, but I have to have page protectors. I put my weekly lesson plans in them (you never know when your coffee may fall over), I use them to store my EQ posters, center directions, old lesson plans, and examples.

#4 Clothes Pins aka Clips

I use clothes pins/ clips for a lot of things: behavior clip chart, transportation chart, job chart, and math groups chart. And yes, I do cover them all with scrapbook paper.
#5 Clorox Wipes
These are a definite must have in my classroom. Students wipe their desk every Friday before going home with one. I would have them wipe their desk everyday if I could, but I usually don't get that many containers of them.
#6 Lamps
I may be a morning person, but I can't stand the bright overhead classroom lights in the AM. I have several lamps around my room that I turn on in the morning instead. I prefer not to even turn the overhead lights on, but I don't want the kids to strain their eyes.... hmm maybe I should get more lamps.
#7 Small Post-Its
Although, I love the regular sized post-it notes, we use the small ones a lot more! We mostly use them in reading groups. Each color represents a comprehension strategy, and while reading it they use that strategy they put a post-it on that page & write their thoughts. They are the perfect size for tickets out the door, too!
#8 Pencils
Lots and lots of pencils!! We go through them quickly.
#9 Pink Pearl Erases
The eraser on a pencil disappears quickly in my room. Each kid gets a pink pearl eraser so they are prepared when mistakes happen.
#10 Portable Hard Drive
I save EVERYTHING to my portable hard drive! I used to have all my files on two flash drives, but I got tired of going back and forth between the two. I had to upgrade, and now I have space for it all. It goes to and from school with me everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up Erin! You can totally link up on Wednesday! Tuesday is just a suggestion. I just got some Flair pens after hearing so many people rave about them. Wow! Love them! I just wrote 19 postcards using the light blue!

    Swimming into Second
