26 November 2016

Teachers that Give: A Simple Tip to Winter Success

' Tis the season to be thankful, to share, and to give! And that is exactly what I plan to do all holiday season long. I am linking up with two of my friends, Megan of Keeping Up with Mrs. Harris and Jessica of Notes from the Portable for Teachers That Give!

How do I survive the holiday season with a class full?

of excited children? Simple. I don’t have a fancy trick, and you have probably heard of or used this trick before yourself. But, it is one that I always use, and it keeps the crazies a little less… crazy.

An estimation jar! Yup, simple. It works for every grade! You can use an estimation jar in many ways. You can put a daily surprise inside or a weekly surprise. Either way, the closest estimation wins the contents of the jar. I like to do a daily estimation jar. It reinforces positive behaviors and gives that reminder each day that today could be your day.

I put the jar on my table or nearby. The estimation slips and a container sit next to it. I start strong, giving out estimation slips constantly for positive behavior. Kids learn to quickly make their estimation, fold it, put it in the container, and go back to work so they can earn another.  The closer we get to winter break and the more excited they get it get harder to earn a slip, or sometimes easier depending on your class.

Make it work for you….

*Give a range (between 100-200, or less that 350)

*Pick behaviors you want to promote that will earn an estimation slip

*Have the winner set it up for the next day/week

*Start with smaller amounts until they grasp estimating

To make life easy, you can get the estimation slips (color and black & white) I use for free. Click the picture below.

I am thankful for all of you that clicked, google, or however you discovered this post! So, to show my thanks I am giving away a $25 gift card to Amazon! Who doesn’t love Amazon? Enter below, good luck my friends.

a Rafflecopter giveaway <!-- end InLinkz script —>


  1. Great idea! I love your freebie. Glad to be blog hopping with you! - Betsy (Spark Creativity)

  2. What a clever way to combine behavior management with a math skill - love it!

  3. I love this idea! It combines math and behavior management. It's great that it puts the responsibility on the students to CHOOSE to make responsible choices. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Estimation is soooo difficult to teach students with special learning needs. I like how you made this so engaging and used seasonal items. My students would love it, and would not mind all the extra practice. Thanks for sharing.
