14 July 2013

Liebster Award and Free-For-All Friday {July 12,2013}

Wow, I have had a very busy weekend. I typed this post on Friday, but didn't get to finish it before running off to bridesmaid luncheons, rehearsals, dinners, and one of my best friend's wedding this weekend. Yay! We had a great time and I wish them well on their honeymoon.

I loved waking up the other morning and finding that my blog had been nominated for an award! I appreciate Two Tacky Teachers for the Liebster Award!

There are ‘rules’ I need to follow in order to accept:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated you.
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 250 followers.
3. Answer questions posted for you by your nominator.
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself5. Create 11 questions for your nominees.
5. Contact your nominees either through their blog or by email. 

Here are the questions from my nominees:
1.What grade do you teach?
I teach 2nd grade and love it!
2. What grade is your favorite to teach?
I have only taught 1st and 2nd, but I have enjoyed teaching 2nd the best. The kids are a bit more independent, but they still love you.
3. How long have you been blogging?
I started my blog two years ago. I just recently started to get more into it, and hope to keep up with it more during the school year.
4. Do you have any pets?
I have a 5 month old Golden Doodle. See her picture HERE.
5. Where was the last placed you vacationed?
My last vacation was my honeymoon over Christmas. We went to Jamaica and absolutely loved it.
6. Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla! I love plain vanilla ice cream.
7. What is your favorite season?
Summer! I get to relax by a pool and actually have time to read a book.
8. Have you always wanted to be a teacher?
Actually, I have. I used to play ‘school’ in my basement with my stuffed animals and my dad’s antique school desks.
9. What college did you graduate from?
Auburn! War Eagle!
10. If you could meet anyone famous, who would it be?
Wow, tough question. Bradley Cooper (major eye candy)
11. What is your favorite children's book?
I have two: Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French and Mama by Jeanette Winter (a true story about a baby hippo that loses his mom during a tsunami – I cry every time).

11 Random facts:
1. I drink chocolate milk every morning.
2. I teach in the same school district I grew up in.
3. In my first 3 years of teacher, I taught at a different school every
year (not by choice – teacher surplus).
4. I love Hershey Cookies and Cream Drops!
5. I hate to run.
6. I am a homebody… I love sitting on the couch, watching tv, and
hanging out with my husband.
7. I don’t eat red meat.
8. I have never snoozed my alarm. (I’m a morning person).
9. I have been best friends with the same 4 girls since high school
(3 of them went to college with me and were in my sorority).
10. I try to have a green thumb, but usually end up killing half of the
 things in my garden because I forget to water them.
11. I love to bake cupcakes!

And my questions for my nominees:
1.Why did you become a teacher?
2.What grade do you teach?
3.What is your favorite school supply?
4.What have you made or bought this summer that you are excited
about using next year?
5.What is one piece of advice you’d give other teachers for
the first day of school?
6.What is your favorite hobby?
7.Do you have a theme in your classroom?
8.What is your favorite color?
9.Who is your inspiration?
10.How long have you been blogging?
11.What is one thing you would like to learn how to do?

My nominees are:
Sweet Life of Second Grade

Free-For-All Friday Time!
Took a trip to Lakeshore Learning the other day to get this amazing freebie laminated!
Gingersnap's Whole Brain Teaching Posters are absolutely adorable, absolutely free, and this week’s Free-For-All Friday feature. Get your set HERE.


I decided I would give my Chevron Schedule Cards to the few supporters that entered my Facebook Fan Giveaway! Look for those in your email soon and thanks for entering.

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