22 July 2014

Get Techy Tuesday {Favorite Website}

 In two weeks I will be venturing out of my comfort zone a bit in order to change things up. This will be my fifth year teaching second grade and each year has come with some sort of change... transferring to EJ (my home away from home), common core standards, and becoming grade chair. So, to keep things interesting I made the decision at the end of last school year to switch to an 'Inspired Classroom' this year.
"What are you talking about?" you say. An Inspired Classroom moves the computers away from the perimeter of the room and put them at the students' desks. You can read more about Inspired Classrooms here. To accommodate this switch I am swapping my student desks for tables to allow for full collaboration. It is going to be quite the change, but I LOVE technology and this was an opportunity I could not resist.
So, I have been spending some of my summer figuring out how to incorporate more technology into my lessons. I thought I would "Get Techy" and share some of my favorite resources over the next few weeks.
This week I wanted to share just a couple of my favorite websites.

Let's look a little closer at some of these fabulous sites:


What are your favorite website? I would love for you to comment and share them with me.
 Next week I am going to share some of my favorite apps.


  1. I'm loving all of your resources! I use Edmodo every single day in my class. I even have groups saved in there from several years ago and the kids still like to get in there and comment. That makes me smile!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Thanks for all the fun ideas! I just purchased your daily schedule cards in chevron and was wondering how k can get one card made for something that is not in the pack. Thanks?

    1. Surely! Send me an email with what you would like. Erinshurbutt@gmail.com
