04 August 2014

Monday Made It {August 4th}

Today is my third day of pre-planning, summer is officially over for me.
Before the school year gets me super busy I wanted to link up with 4thGrade Frolics for another  Monday Made It
I am mentoring a new teacher again this year, so I wanted to make something that I could give her when we met. I decided on a custom clipboard. I figured while I was making one for her I would make them for my grade level as well.
It was SUPER easy. I started by painting the sides to match the scrapbook paper I picked out.
Then, I traced the clipboard on the back of the scrapbook paper and Mod Podged it on! For my mentee I decided she needed a few extra goodies (notepad, pens, and stickies)!
Next project was one I did a few weeks ago. I planned a 'Craft Night' at my house with some of my teacher friends and wanted to have a little something for them. So, I found wine glass tumblers at the Dollar Tree and then use my Silhouette to cut out the phrase "I teach therefore I drink" in vinyl.

My last project was a Pinterest-Inspiration. I saw Simply Skilled in Second's picture of her math station storage and LOVED it!
I am big on differentiation, and wanted to be able to put the different seatwork assignments somewhere other than a table. I made some labels and Velcro'ed them onto the colored drawers. That way if I only have 4 station or 2 different seatwork assignments I can remove the extra labels.
Funny thing, Mrs. Lemons posted a picture on Instagram this weekend about her Michael's Create2Educate project... it was the same thing! Great minds think alike! Her drawers are white and she used bright labels, it is super cute you need to check it out.

Don't forget the TPT Blast Off Back to School Sale is today and tomorrow!
Check out my STORE! I am about to go empty my wish list into my cart!


  1. I love the idea of the clipboard gift and they look great!
    Growing Little Learners

  2. What a cute idea of adding words to the dollar store cups! They turned out great! Thanks for sharing!!
    Laura ~ First Grade Spies

  3. Wow your tumblers are so cute! :) I also love your clipboard gift! Thanks for sharing:) Have a great week!
    Kayla in the Classroom

  4. What great gifts you made! I'm moving to 2nd this year and I was looking for a way to follow you so I can keep updated with your posts. I didn't see any links. Are you on bloglovin' or Google Friend Connect?

    Primary on the Prowl
