08 June 2015

Monday Made It! {June 8th}

It's summer time! I thought about what I was going to post for my Monday Made It with 4th Grade Frolics all of last week. This is one of my favorite linkys, I love seeing with other people have crafted.

I was gifted a TON of burlap by our art teacher while she was packing up her room. So, warning: there will be a lot of burlap projects this summer!
I wanted to make something special for my friend Kourtnie's son or his first birthday. They are an amazing family with love for the Lord. So, what better than a burlap cross with a B for Benjamin (their son) on it.

It was super easy. I started with free handing the cross on newspaper, then traced with a sharpie on the burlap. I folded the burlap in half, so I would get two crosses. After cutting it out I traced the chevron lines and got to painting.

Once the paint dried I started hot gluing the edges and stuffing plastic grocery bags inside. Ta-da! Done!

I LOVED the ways the cross turned out that I made another for a friend... I'll probably make another for our sweet baby girl. Last summer I made a giant mason jar with burlap for my front door. See that step-by-step here!


Next, I made two banners for Benjamin's first birthday. Kourtnie gave me some freedom, but told me it needed to be blue, green, and white.

Love the way they turned out. Look how adorable this family is! Couldn't be more picture perfect!

Next Monday I will have something for Father's Day. :)


  1. I love burlap so can't wait to see all you come up! In my mind I've envisioned a burlap pennant banner to hang in my hallway. Either a generic one that says "Welcome" or one with my name on it.

    Learning at the Teacher Table

  2. That turned out way cute! I love the way burlap looks, but I don't really like working with. It'll be fun to see what else you make it with.
    Simple Insights

  3. The burlap cross is great! I've never made anything with burlap. Have a great weekend!

    A Very Curious Class
