22 July 2015

Back2School Link Up: Procedures & Policies

What procedures and policies do you teach at the beginning of the year? I am excited to read about what you all do as I link up with Notes from the Portable for another week of our Back 2 School Link Up!


The first procedure I have to share is one that makes my skin crawl. Yes, the dreaded pencil sharpener!  I HATE it, absolutely HATE the sound of the pencil sharpener! My students are not allowed to use it during the day.

How do I enforce this? By always having sharpened pencils ready! I bought these cups last summer and use two for pencils… one for SHARP and one for DULL.

So, when your pencil is dull you exchange it for a sharp one. This procedure takes A LOT of practice. Many kids want to just put the dull one in their desk and get a new pencil. Well, that causes a problem. At the end of the day, when my trustworthy students go to sharpen the pencils, there won’t be many in the dull cup. There is no trick to perfecting this procedure, just lots of practice and reminders.


The next procedure I start teaching early on the first day of school. Lining up is a very important procedure. I am not talking about lining up in a certain order, I am talking about lining up in a proper line.

I refuse to be that teacher who can’t control her line. I want my students to be able to walk nicely down the hallway without me and especially when I am absent.

We start by lining up in the classroom and reviewing expectation for a line. I like a 4S line. Straight, Still, Silent, and Smiling!

I hang this cute poster by our door. I say “Show me a 4S line” and the students hold up 4 fingers. As I say each S, if they are doing that thing then they put their finger down.  You can get this cute poster HERE in our Teaching Tips: Everything You Need for Back to School Pack.

When we are ready to venture into the hallway the 4S line should continue. I teach my students the first week where to stop in the hallway, that way they are never too far from me. Practice makes better, so we practice our 4S line a lot the first week by touring the school.
Another procedure I am pretty strict with is our bathroom sign out.
Let me start by saying that my students can use the bathroom whenever they want unless I am teaching or they are in a small group with me. I teach them to hold up a 1 with their finger to signal they need to use the restroom. No interruptions, which is especially important when I have a small group with me.
 Our school has a policy that students must sign out before going to the bathroom, but this is something I have always done.
Why? Because I can quickly check to see where a child is in case of a fire drill or emergency. But won’t you remember you gave them permission? No! I’ll give them permission and go back to who I was working with.  I print this simple sign out sheet and stick in on a clipboard.  This sign out sheet is also available I our Teaching Tips: Everything You Need for Back to School Pack.
Want to know more about the procedures and policies Notes from the Portable and I teach at the beginning of the year? Check out our Teaching Tips: Everything You Need for Back to School pack in m TPT store {HERE}.
Now, for some real fun! This week you have a chance to win a $25 Target eGift Card! Enter below!
Giveaway will close Monday evening.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love the 4 S Line poster! I share your feelings about the pencil sharpener!!! And agree, after 23 years, still no perfect solution! :-D

    The Red Brick Road Teacher

  2. That dreaded pencil sharpener. I think that is the sound that accompanies school nightmares! I finally broke down and bought one of the handheld ones to keep for those kids that always "broke" their pencils and I would go around to sharpen when I could.


  3. Just hopped over from Monday Made It. I don't keep up with my school blog anymore, but like to visit others. Thanks for the chance at the sweet giveaway! Love, love the line poster. I have done something similar, but love that you added smiling to yours! Have a blessed day!

  4. Just hopped over from Monday Made It. I don't keep up with my school blog anymore, but like to visit others. Thanks for the chance at the sweet giveaway! Love, love the line poster. I have done something similar, but love that you added smiling to yours! Have a blessed day!
