24 August 2014

Room Reveal!

I am finally ready to show you my home away from home. I meant to do my room reveal last week for Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week, but I had a busy week. So, here it is friends!
 I refer to this area of my room often! I am constantly reminding students of my expectations the first few weeks, and reinforcing good choices with moving their clips up!

 Another big area for class management is this wall. I can't do it all myself, I need their help! Each Monday they pick a new job for the week. I added a 'table manager' this year and am loving it!

 The Activboard is my favorite part of the room. I could not teach without it.
I post daily Essential Questions and I Can statements here, on the corner of my board.
 I relocated my class library to the window this year. The kids are already sitting over there more. It is very comfy and inviting.
I keep my math manipulatives out for easy access. The colorful set of drawers are my math stations and seatwork drawers for math. I am loving having the bottom three drawers as seatwork. If a students doesn't finish an assignment they can put it there and finish it up the next day.

 Here is another zone for classroom management. Extra supplies, pencils, and paper trays. Of course, I could not live without the mailboxes either. I hate passing out papers, so they go into their mailbox!
 I have an Inspired Classroom this year, so each table has a computer. I plan to blog about storage and student organization soon... it has been a challenge.

 And lastly, this is my favorite part of the room. I wish I took a better picture of it. This is my area. I got rid of my teacher desk this year. It opened up a lot of space in the room and I love the layout. I promise to post a better picture of this area soon.
Thanks for popping in!

18 August 2014

Teacher Week: Who Am I!

It is time for Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week!
I love getting to know all the blogging teachers out there.
Here is a little bit about me:
#1: My sister, Lauren, is two years older than me. We didn't get along growing up, but we sure do love each other now! We do not look much alike (Yes, we have the same dad!) but we are similar in so many other ways. She gets me, I get her... we mesh well!
#2: My husband and I have almost been happily married for two years (October 5th). I love him (duh!). He makes me laugh, supports my crazy ventures, gives me guidance, and loves me.
#3: My bestie, Emily, and I have been friends since early high school. We lived together all 4 years of college... we were even in the same sorority. She gets me too! And, she is expecting a little boy in November!! I can't wait to spoil that little boy!
Ok, I have never admitted this before... but I take a lot of selfies with my dog. I am kind of obsessed with her. She is a year and a half old Goldendoodle. She is spunky and smart!
If you haven't shared a little about yourself you can link up with Blog Hoppin'.
Can't wait to share my classroom with you tomorrow.

11 August 2014

Monday Made It {August 11th}

Depending on when you read this I am either welcoming or getting to know 25 second graders! Yup, it is back to school I go! 
Not only and I anxious to meet my new students, I am also anxious to share what I have been busy making with you. Time to link up with 4thGrade Frolics for Monday Made It!

My first project is one my husband actually made. I suggested a few weeks ago that he should start drawing some clipart for me. Well, he finally finished his first set. Of course, I loved it, but I decided to share it with the world!
Click HERE to get these delicious cones!

"Our" yummy ice cream cone set is FREE, but only for today! Please go download it and leave us some feedback!
If y'all like it I will put him back to work on some more Snazzy Doodle clip art sets.

My second project is one I CANNOT wait to start using in my classroom. My co-workers (Susan and Natalie) shared an idea with me for student's assessing their own progress. From there I created the "Student Self-Assessment of Learning" pack. Basically, students rate how they feel about the topic your are teaching.

The options for set-up are endless! You can do cups & popsicle sticks like I did, a clip chart, magnetic cards, or individual cards for each student.

 Get the CHEVRON pack HERE!

Get the POKA DOTS pack HERE!


My last project is one I will be using today! I made a new frame for a first day of school photo opp!

A very sweet parent (and coworker) made me a frame last year like this, but it got smashed when the cleaning people put my recycling bin on top of it this summer. :(
I loved the frame so much that I made one for my mentee as well!

Couldn't resist having my pup pose for a pic.

Happy first day to all my friends starting back this week!

05 August 2014

Get Techy Tuesday {Favorite Apps}

The other week I shared my favorite websites to use in the classroom (see that post HERE). Now, I am excited to share some apps that I have used and recently discovered.
I have 11 apps to share... some are free and others are paid. Do look into the Apple Volume Purchase Program if you are interested in buying an app that your entire school can use!
Disclaimer: I found these apps on my iPad, so some may not be available for an iPod or iPhone if you use those in your classroom.

What are your favorite apps? Please share!

04 August 2014

Monday Made It {August 4th}

Today is my third day of pre-planning, summer is officially over for me.
Before the school year gets me super busy I wanted to link up with 4thGrade Frolics for another  Monday Made It
I am mentoring a new teacher again this year, so I wanted to make something that I could give her when we met. I decided on a custom clipboard. I figured while I was making one for her I would make them for my grade level as well.
It was SUPER easy. I started by painting the sides to match the scrapbook paper I picked out.
Then, I traced the clipboard on the back of the scrapbook paper and Mod Podged it on! For my mentee I decided she needed a few extra goodies (notepad, pens, and stickies)!
Next project was one I did a few weeks ago. I planned a 'Craft Night' at my house with some of my teacher friends and wanted to have a little something for them. So, I found wine glass tumblers at the Dollar Tree and then use my Silhouette to cut out the phrase "I teach therefore I drink" in vinyl.

My last project was a Pinterest-Inspiration. I saw Simply Skilled in Second's picture of her math station storage and LOVED it!
I am big on differentiation, and wanted to be able to put the different seatwork assignments somewhere other than a table. I made some labels and Velcro'ed them onto the colored drawers. That way if I only have 4 station or 2 different seatwork assignments I can remove the extra labels.
Funny thing, Mrs. Lemons posted a picture on Instagram this weekend about her Michael's Create2Educate project... it was the same thing! Great minds think alike! Her drawers are white and she used bright labels, it is super cute you need to check it out.

Don't forget the TPT Blast Off Back to School Sale is today and tomorrow!
Check out my STORE! I am about to go empty my wish list into my cart!