24 August 2014

Room Reveal!

I am finally ready to show you my home away from home. I meant to do my room reveal last week for Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week, but I had a busy week. So, here it is friends!
 I refer to this area of my room often! I am constantly reminding students of my expectations the first few weeks, and reinforcing good choices with moving their clips up!

 Another big area for class management is this wall. I can't do it all myself, I need their help! Each Monday they pick a new job for the week. I added a 'table manager' this year and am loving it!

 The Activboard is my favorite part of the room. I could not teach without it.
I post daily Essential Questions and I Can statements here, on the corner of my board.
 I relocated my class library to the window this year. The kids are already sitting over there more. It is very comfy and inviting.
I keep my math manipulatives out for easy access. The colorful set of drawers are my math stations and seatwork drawers for math. I am loving having the bottom three drawers as seatwork. If a students doesn't finish an assignment they can put it there and finish it up the next day.

 Here is another zone for classroom management. Extra supplies, pencils, and paper trays. Of course, I could not live without the mailboxes either. I hate passing out papers, so they go into their mailbox!
 I have an Inspired Classroom this year, so each table has a computer. I plan to blog about storage and student organization soon... it has been a challenge.

 And lastly, this is my favorite part of the room. I wish I took a better picture of it. This is my area. I got rid of my teacher desk this year. It opened up a lot of space in the room and I love the layout. I promise to post a better picture of this area soon.
Thanks for popping in!

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