01 September 2014

Currently: September

September 1st.... it is Labor Day, I have the day off, and it is time for Currently September with Oh' Boy 4th Grade!
Listening: My husband and puppy are running around upstairs barking and playing.
Loving: Long weekend are the best! Every weekend should be 3 days. I have been productive around the house and with things for school and TPT.
Thinking: I've got next week's lesson plans on my mind. I'd like to go ahead and get started on them.
Wanting: Yup, I'd like to get ahead on the week after next. If I can get a little ahead today I can work on a few TPT requests I received this week.
Needing: I need coffee! I can't seem to wake up this morning. I need to find some energy.
3 Trips: Never been to New York and I would absolutely love to see it! I'd also love to travel around Europe. My sister went last summer with her husband and I am totally jealous of her pictures. I could also use one more trip to the beach before it get cold.


  1. I love listening to my hubby and pooch playing, they get a bit wild sometimes! 3 day weekends are the best for being productive- I hope you can get a head in your planning, that always helps lower my stress level!
    Enjoy the last of your 3 day weekend!!
    - Melissa

    Mrs. Reed's Resource Room

  2. New York is one of my favorite places!! It's definitely a different pace of life than what I normally live, but it's fun!

  3. My best friend lives in New York and loves it. He's been there since 2009 (I think) and has NEVER been to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! I told him that one day we're gonna come visit solely for that purpose. Haha.
    Hope you had a great short week!
    The Disneyfied Teacher
