18 October 2014

Student Organization: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

My classroom has undergone some big changes this year. For those that follow my blog you know I have an Inspired Classroom this year! You read more about it HERE. With the Inspired Classroom I decided to switch from desks to tables. Tables allow my students to collaborate better. They can easily pass the keyboard around (yup, it is wireless!) and scoot closer to see the screen.
Well, getting rid of desks meant I had to figure out where to put ALL their STUFF! I thought I had it all figured out going into the first day of school, well some things worked and some failed miserably. Here is what I learned.
I needed the kids to be able to easily access their supplies. The first thing I did was make cute aprons for the back of their chairs. (See my original post of these aprons HERE)They were going to perfectly rest on their chair legs with the help of hot glue... well that lasted for about ONE hour.  The kids kicked them loose. I found myself bonding with my hot glue gun every morning for about two weeks before I gave up on them. Let them be crooked! That was hard for my OCD-self to accept, but I was over it. They are still great for storing the little things.  
Their crayon boxes fit perfectly in their aprons. I bought these snack packs from the dollar store this summer. LOVE them! Last year I used travel soap boxes. Those worked too, but these snack packs were two for $1!
What about the rest of their supplies?
We use table caddies! I am a firm believer in YOU use what YOU bring (aka No Community supplies). I wrote the kids names on all their supplies the first day and stuck their scissors, markers, color pencils, glue sticks, and erasers in the caddy. (Ok, glue sticks and pencils are for the 'community').
What about their books and journals?
I bought crates from Wal-Mart this summer when they were on sale. I zip-tied two together and there you have it - instant shelf! Each table has their own "bookshelf".
Between their "bookshelves", table caddies, and aprons that is really all the storage space they need. Most days I love the tables, some days I miss the desks. Why?
-If you move a student you only have to
move his/her chair.... and all their supplies.
-The bookshelves are much easier to
keep organized... but students have to get
up in order to get out their notebooks.
Tables... so far I love them.
Ask me again in May!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Erin!
    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award - find out more here: http://growinglittlelearners.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/liebster-award.html
