Only 3 more days (counting today)
until I officially head back to school. I know I have said this before, but
this summer has flown by. I do plan on heading into my classroom today… and
probably tomorrow and Wednesday… to get a head start.
I have had a busy and productive
weekend! I am excited to share my productivity with you and link up with 4th Grade Frolics for another Made It Monday!
I got a lot accomplished this weekend! I finished my new banners. I just love banners and am excited to have some in my classroom. The Welcome banner will go outside my classroom.... any ideas on how I can attached it to cinderblock?
The Word Wall banner will hang from the ceiling above my work wall.
I am so thrilled with how these turned out that I am considering making banners for all my bulletin boards.
My good friend and teacher pal made new door decor this week! Two years ago she made those adorable crayon wreaths for our doors, but we were always replacing the crayons that passer-byers would pull off. We decided to try something new.
I really like how it came out! We used wooden letters from Michael's, then cut the crayons using a sharp knife, and adhered them using hot glue. Hopefully, this will be more durable than the wreath was.
My final Made It Monday I have to share are my crayon storage boxes. I got this idea from Going Nutty with Miss Squirrels via Pinterest. (See her post for how I am going to organize their crayons this year.) I made these cute crayon boxes so the kids can easily find the color they are missing from their storage boxes.
I need to touch up the paint a bit and they will be ready for the classroom!
This weekend I also finished my Common
Core Math Jumbo Pack for 2nd Grade (packed full of Essential
Questions, I Can Statements, and Vocabulary cards). Click the link or picture below to check it out.
Off to the classroom now to get started! I am kind of excited to get in there!