Last week I taught my little friends about the properties of addition. They caught on quickly, but I still created these posters for a little reminder. I also created a cut and paste that was pretty simple for the kids. Happy downloading!
Subtraction with Regrouping
This week I am teaching my snazzy second graders how to solve subtraction problems with regrouping. It is a scary and confusing task, but I feel confident that they will get it. Every year I teach my little ones this little poem: More on the top? Don't stop! More on the floor? Go to your neighbor and borrow 10 more! Number's the same? Zero's the game!
I just created these posters to remind them of the regrouping rules. I just put them in my brand new TPT Store. They are only $1 for all three!
Plural Nouns
You have probably seen that 'es' poster for nouns over at The Teacher's Wife. If you haven't go check it out. Along with learning when to add -es, we also learning when to change 'y to i and add es'. I made this poster to go along with the 'es' poster.
Click on the picture to download and print from Google Docs. Enjoy!
Colorful Crayons and a Trip to Space
If you haven't discovered Pinterest you should check it out. This site is amazing and addicting. I consider myself a crafty person, so I am always looking for easy crafts to make for my classroom. I found this crayon letter craft on Pinterest. It was pretty easy. I started by making a template in Word. I knew it would be hard to get the curves in the S perfect with crayons, so I looked for a thick, simple font and made an S using Word Art. Then I typed in my name, printed it out on cardstock and was ready to go. I lined up the crayons in the order I wanted, then laid them on the template. I cut the crayons to fit the template using an exacto knife. It was so easy that I made one of my teacher friend, Allison, too! Below is the link to the template in Google Documents.
Here is another Pinterest inspired project. I can't take credit for making this crayon wreath, Allison made it. It is super cute! I added the letter squares after she gave it to me. I made those in Publisher and printed them on cardstock. Crafters beware: if you make this wreath and hang it on your door, expect crayons to be pulled off. Every now and then I find a crayon missing when I arrive at school, but the hot glue gun makes it an easy fix.
This is Allison and I on Character Day. She was the cat from If You Give a Cat a Cupcake, and I was the pig from If You Give a Pig a Pancake.
This is kinda random... it was nothing to do with crayons or Pinterest. We studied the moon recently, and we spent an entire day 'going to the moon'. The kids made helmets from paper bags, laid back in their chairs for Blast Off, and made the phases of the moon using Oreos. At the end of the day, when we arrived at the moon, the students put their astronaut on the moon. Here is the poster I painted that hung above the moon.
We Are Thanksful
Each year, around November, I pull out my giant turkey and have the students list what they are thankful for on construction paper feathers. Usually they include the number (example: 2 parents, 1 sister, 3 best friends) and add them up to get the total. Well, in math right now we are focusing on graphing and I was struggling with how to incorporate this activity into our unit. Whelp, I couldn't figure out a way. And then I had a light bulb moment! We were learning about commas in a series! Together we brainstormed the things that we are thankful for on the board, then the students wrote a sentence listing all the things they were thankful for on the feather. I love my turkey and I must say the kids did a great job with commas in their lists.
I'm DONE! What do I do now??
Misssss Stephannn!! I am done with my work! What do I do now?? Ugh, I have heard that so many times. I decided this year I would put that question to rest.. FOREVER!
It just came to me one day, Brownie Points. I would give my students extra work and award them 'Brownie Points' for completing a page. I took a small file folder crate I found at Walmart and made a hanging file for each student. There is also a hanging file that is labeled completed. The work inside the folders is differentiated. Whatever a student needs a little extra practice on goes into their folder. It works so well! I can provide struggling students with extra practice and advanced students with a challenge or enrichment.
Now, what do they get when they are awarded 'Brownie Points'? Once a student completes 3 pages correctly they get a treat... a pack of mini oreos or a piece of candy. I would love to find some brownie theme objects (like erasers or pencils) so I am not giving he kids sugar, but for now it is an excellent incentive.
I uploaded the tag I staple to their treat to Google Docs.
You can find it here: Brownie Points
Another brilliant idea hit me on the ride home today. We are beginning our measurement unit in math, and I wanted a cute way to store rulers. So I came home and made this cute sign, printed it, and slapped it on an empty bread crumbs container. I won't lie, I was so excited about the idea I poured the bread crumbs out.... they were probably stale anyways.
And here is the finished product! Love it!
Click on the picture above to download it!
Items to Share
**Update (7/19/13): I can't get my links to Google Docs to work. Please leave a comment below with your email address and the item you would like and I will gladly send it to you!
I have been a bit MIA lately... mostly because I have been stalking Mrs. Lemons and trying to pick a venue for my wedding. So, I was thinking... what have I done recently that I could share. Well, let me be honest, most of my 'good ideas' recently came from other blogs (ahhmm Mrs. Lemons). I do have a few things I wanted to post, but let me preface these items with this note: I know I am a little late posting these items, but better late than never right?! I have been experimenting with Google Docs and I think I have figured out how to link to my stuff. Try clicking of the images if you are interested in the item. If it doesn't take you to Google Docs just let me know. If anybody has any pointers for linking items to Google Docs please let me know!
I create a binder for communication at the beginning of the year. Each child's classroom number goes on a divider and I put one of these pages behind it. Whenever I call home or send an email I record it on this chart. It really serves as my reminder to check in with parents frequently.. especially if they are doing well.
I also uploaded some Word Documents to Google Docs, but I am not sure how to display a picture on my blog. Any help??
Welp, here are the links to the items:
What May I Do If I am Done With My Work?
I put this poster next to my completed classwork basket. Just as a friendly reminder to students.
Expanded Notation Memory
We are learning expanded notation this week. Kids love math games, so I created this one. It's played just like the game Memory.
Common and Proper Noun Sort
Who doesn't love a good cut and paste activity?
And lastly.... my favorite item....
Trace It, Glue It, Write It
This is an excellent activity- if I do say so myself. I type their weekly spelling words into this template each week. Under the 'cut it' section I type the words in reverse. It takes my students quite a while in the beginning of the year, but by the end they can fly through it.
I have more documents to share, but I need to experiment more with Good Docs. Any advice on linking Google Docs to your blog would be greatly appreciated!
I have been a bit MIA lately... mostly because I have been stalking Mrs. Lemons and trying to pick a venue for my wedding. So, I was thinking... what have I done recently that I could share. Well, let me be honest, most of my 'good ideas' recently came from other blogs (ahhmm Mrs. Lemons). I do have a few things I wanted to post, but let me preface these items with this note: I know I am a little late posting these items, but better late than never right?! I have been experimenting with Google Docs and I think I have figured out how to link to my stuff. Try clicking of the images if you are interested in the item. If it doesn't take you to Google Docs just let me know. If anybody has any pointers for linking items to Google Docs please let me know!
I create a binder for communication at the beginning of the year. Each child's classroom number goes on a divider and I put one of these pages behind it. Whenever I call home or send an email I record it on this chart. It really serves as my reminder to check in with parents frequently.. especially if they are doing well.
Here it the supply list I leave out for parents to pick up on Open House, Curriculum Night, and Conference Day. Not sure if you have seen that Target commercial with the 'First Grade Teacher,' but I feel like I need to add GLITTER, tape (that sticks!), and GLITTER... Lots of GLITTER to my supply list. That commercial cracks me up every time.
Supply List
Next to my snazzy owl themed clip chart I have this poster hanging. It is a good reference for students to monitor their behavior and set goals throughout the day.
Welp, here are the links to the items:
What May I Do If I am Done With My Work?
I put this poster next to my completed classwork basket. Just as a friendly reminder to students.
Expanded Notation Memory
We are learning expanded notation this week. Kids love math games, so I created this one. It's played just like the game Memory.
Common and Proper Noun Sort
Who doesn't love a good cut and paste activity?
And lastly.... my favorite item....
Trace It, Glue It, Write It
This is an excellent activity- if I do say so myself. I type their weekly spelling words into this template each week. Under the 'cut it' section I type the words in reverse. It takes my students quite a while in the beginning of the year, but by the end they can fly through it.
I have more documents to share, but I need to experiment more with Good Docs. Any advice on linking Google Docs to your blog would be greatly appreciated!
Back In The Swing Of Things
It has been a long first two weeks of school, but an exciting first two weeks! EXCITING NEWS: I got engaged recently! I was so surprised and so lucky to find to the love of my life. I got engaged on a Saturday, so when I came back to school on Monday I read Lilly's Big Day by Kevin Henkes to my class. After reading it I had my kids guess why I choose to read that book. After a few random guesses one student finally said 'Because you're getting married!' They were so excited! And of course all the girls want to be my flower girl after reading the story.
I saw a fun art activity on a blog this summer (so sorry I can't recall which one) and decided we had to do it. The students made their own owls out of poster board and scrapbook paper. Hobby Lobby had scrapbook paper for half-off so I stocked up on tons of fun paper. I told the kid to make their owl represent their interests and personalities. I would say they did a fabulous job. We hung them in our classroom 'tree.'
Welcome to my Parliament!
I am all set and ready to welcome my parliament (a group of owls) to my classroom! I have never done a theme in my room before and I don't think I went too 'Owl Crazy'... although, my first day of school outfit is a dress with owls on it and owl earrings. So here is a glimpse at my home away from home...
Can you spot the owl stuffed animals in these pictures? They were an amazing suprise from my boyfriend. He has named them Hooty, The Duke, and Francisco. He has the imigination of a 2nd grader. My students will love our new mascots!
The banner above my board even has little owls on it. I made it with some left over fabric, rope, and a hot glue gun! Super easy!
The filing cabinent is topped with Hooty and some of my craft projects I made from Pinterest.
I made the frame the 'Keep Calm and Teach On' print is in out of an old frame and scrapbook paper.
War Eagle!
Whoo Is Doing What?
Line Leader, Door Holders, Lunch Accountants, Light Savers, Paper Patrol, Librarians, Classroom Cleaners, Caboose, Chair Stackers, and Pencil Sharpeners.
Word Walls and Materials
My little hanging garden and 'Our Behavior'
I am anxious, excited, and a tad bit nervous for my students to walk through that door tomorrow. I know everything will come back naturally to me once the bell rings.
Moving In Again!
I am excited to share that this year I will be returning to Esther Jackson after being surplused last year to another school, which was way far across the county. Now, this is not my first rodeo... or my first move. Actually, I have moved schools every year I have taught... and I am starting my 4th year teaching. Allow me to summarize my teaching experience:
I began at Sweet Apple and taught 2nd grade.
I was surplused from Sweet Apple to Esther Jackson (EJ), where I taught 1st grade.
After an amazing year and thinking I was returning to EJ in the fall, I was surplused to Hapeville where I taught 1st again.
After all this packing, moving, and unpacking you would think I would be CRAZY to want to move again. Well, I wanted to return to my family at EJ. Long story short.... I am teaching 2nd grade at EJ this year! I could not be happier! So, I have finally unpacked my last box and set up my room. I am very pleased with intergrating my old 'bright colors' theme with my new owls theme. There will be more pictures to come. And sorry this is so blurry, I took them with my iPhone. Clips & Cards
I have been busy this summer CrEaTiNg!
Owl Clip Chart
Last year I finally found a behavior management system that I liked and that worked! I decided to revamp it a little this summer. Why mess with a good thing? Because I wanted to make it snazzier! I was inspired by Thriving Third Graders's Box Office Clip Chart and fancy clips. I created a similar chart to fit my Owl theme. I plan to let each kid pick the color clip they want and I will put their number (not their name!) on their clip. I decided to deviate from the 'Clip Chart' sequence of colors a bit, we'll see how it works.
Lunch Count
I completed new my Lunch Count today. My school has four lunch choices this year (we've only had 3 in the past). Instead of adding an additional choice - probably the simplest idea - I just made a new Lunch Count. Magnets are hot glued to the back of each star so I can hang them on a corner of my whiteboard. I also made more fancy clips that I will write my students name on. I have laminated pictures of the items on our lunch menu that I post above each choice depending what's on the menu that day.
Last summer I began handpainting my own greeting cards. I decided to make a bunch of these cards to keep in my desk this year. These are the ones I made last summer. I have not finished painting my new version, but they say 'From the desk of.... Miss Stephan' instead of 'Thank You'.
Dipping My Toes Into Blogging
After spending several hours last night reading other teachers' blogs I felt the urge to start my own. But I wondered: How do teachers have time to plan amazing lessons, create fun activities, spend time with their families, and still have time to blog? With only two more weeks of summer I figured if I was going to take the time to create a snazzy blog now would be the time to do it. So here I am... dipping my toes into the blogging world... we'll see how it goes.
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